What is lye, produced in Burgas and the pomorie Salt Lake? Lye is an end product in salt production in Pomorie. Obtained from rap (water pond) of Pomorie Lake, after evaporation of the water in the salt pans and the crystallization of salt. It stays above salt layer as thick oil like liquid with yellow-brown color. This tehnique of salt and lye production dates from centuries. This kind of salt production is unique, because all microbiological and mineral substances of sea water are saved. There are only several places in the World where the salt is produced from salt sea water, through water evaporation. The whole area around Pomorie salt lake is protected by European Union, because of its unique essence, and tourists from all around the world come to learn about this ancient technology and tradition. Pomorie resort is world renowned for the treatment of diseases of the locomotor system, thanks to lye, salt and mud extracted from the lakes. Here is the only salt museum in Europe, where everybody may get familiar with the tehnique of salt production. The unique healing properties of lye due to its rich mineral and organic compound. The content of biologically – active substances it contains all the ingredients of sea water, but in greater concentration. Key elements in the composition of lye Main elements contained in lye are calcium, sodium, magnesium, chlorine, bromine, sulphates, hydrogens, many trace elements, organic substances and others. Highest is the content of magnesium salts-magnesium chloride and magnesium sulfate. Magnesium is an essential element for many processes in the human body. It is needed for the production of energy in the cells and the acceleration of metabolism, plays a major role for the balance of the nervous and muscular systems, reduces muscle pain and prevents cramps, favourably effect on hair, skin and nails. Stress and fatigue (physical or mental) depleted magnesium from the body cells. That’s why, after heavy physical or mental strain of the organism is necessary to get enough of this precious for our body’s mineral. In addition to the rich mineral composition, the lye contain many biologically-active substances such as microalgae (rich in chlorophyll, vitamins, etc.), zooplankton. – pH-6,59 – Total mineralization: 340-370gr/l. – Content of magnesium salts (MgSO4 and MgCl2): 230-280gr/l. – Content of alkali chloride (NaCl and KCl): 80-95 g/l. * Source: “mud therapy in pomorie”, Prof. Diana Daniel and Dr. Antoinette Dam Way of processing of the raw material All products with lye of the series ANCHIALO and Le’Spa are produced with stabilized Black Sea lye. Stabilisation of lye is a process in which are preserved valuable properties, biologically-active substances, minerals and trace elements for a long period of time and at various temperatures.
What helps and what the effects of its application Many offers is the application of the leachate as it holds a number of qualities: powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action; -acting tonic and relaxing the whole body; -removes fatigue and heaviness in the limbs; -nourishes and rejuvenates the skin, slows down its aging; -mineralised system and stimulates the natural protective reactions of the immune system; -reduces swelling of the gums, normal acid-base balance in the oral cavity, provides for the maintenance of normal microflora in the mouth, strengthens tooth enamel and significantly reduces the likelihood of the occurrence of caries; It is proven and the healing effect of lye in many diseases: -illnesses and injuries of locomotory system, rheumatic, neurological; -joint pain, arthritis, neuritis, arthrosis, inflammations of ligaments, sprains, dislocations of joints, fractures, neuralgia, plexitis, discopathy, etc. -muscle pain, cramps -skin diseases-psoriasis, acne, fungal infections, trudnozarastvaŝi wounds, etc. -colds and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract -inflammation in the oral cavity – periodontal disease, gingivitis, mouth sores, etc. -hemorrhoids; -dandruff |